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Murcia Airport

Wifi / Wireless internet and internet access devices at the airport

Internet access at the airport - Wi-Fi / Wireless and public access device

In the airport of Murcia you can connect to the Internet with your laptop, mobile phone or any other device with WIFI technology, thanks to the company Eurona Telecom.

Free internet access at the Murcia airport

The airport offers users a free internet access via WiFi for unlimited time, basic navigation to limit download speed and supported by advertising.

Eurona combines this free service with selling premium services to Internet access and mobile data rates.

How does it work ?

Connect your device to the wireless network SSID: Airport_Free_Wifi_AENA. Open the web browser and either request a page, will display a welcome screen from WiFI services. From then follow the instructions to choose the requested sponsorized service (free) or Premium services.

Terminal wifi coverage area

Full coverage in all the Passenger Terminal.

For additional information or incidents with this service please contact:

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